Seek and Serve

Pastor: Greg Weatherley

Seek and Serve Challenge


  1. Every day this week I want you to pray a “seek and serve” prayer.
    1. Say: “The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build”
      1. Pray for the church.
      2. Pray for one person by name.
      3. Pray for one organization by name in Hico.
      4. Ask for God to show you one person or situation that needs prayer and pray for it when you see it.
  2. Add to your morning prayer or pray specifically.
    1. Say: “God open my eyes to your blessings.”
    2. Stop and Thank God for letting you see something good.
      1. When something makes you smile.
      2. When you hear someone laugh.
      3. When you hear something good.